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ROOLY - XL Rabbit Litter Box

ROOLY - XL Rabbit Litter Box

Regular price $75.00 USD
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Grate Hole Size and Color

ROOLY is the largest litter box for rabbits/bunnies. ROOLY litter box has ample room for two rabbits and larger rabbit breeds. 

We recommend small hole grate unless you have giant breed bun(s). Poops would fall through and less hay waste. 

Dimensions: 26.5''W x 19"D x 7.5"H. Heightened Grate sits 3.5" above floor. Measurements are in inches.

LARGE Grate openings (holes) are exactly 0.59"W x 1.38"D.

SMALL Grate openings (holes) are exactly 0.51"W x 0.59"D. 

Disclaimer: ROOLY's grate was designed for bunny feet in mind. It is not intended for animals with smaller feet like Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, Gerbils, Rabbits younger than 10 weeks of age.

Materials: PP Plastic (Base) ABS Plastic (Grate)

Cleaning: Smooth surfaces are easy to clean. Can be used with any bedding of choice including litter pads. We recommend using water + vinegar for deep cleaning.

Price: We get it. Some people may feel it's a bit pricey for rabbit litter box. The truth is it costs more to make high quality product. Over the years, we purchased countless litter boxes from the market place...unfortunately they all had issues and didn't fit our needs. Rabbits should not be considered as cheap and easy pets, in fact, they spend at least 50% of the time eating on the litter box.  A good litter box will make your bun(s) happier and your life as bun parents easier. We believe a solid product is worth the investment! 

*Follow us on Insta rooly_buns for the latest product updates :)

*International shipping may subject to custom fees, which is charged and collected by the local government and is out of our control.

(Patent Pending, 2023)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Get Smaller Or Larger Hole Grate?

We recommend the smaller holes grate unless you have giant breed buns, such as Flemish giant/French lop. Poops would fall through the smaller holes grate for small/medium sized buns and even less hay waste!

We also have options to buy spare grates only

Follow us on insta rooly_buns for the latest updates!

Why Use Litter Box With Grate/Floor Mat?

1. Stops the digging fun. If your bunny is having too much fun digging the litter out...this is your solution.

2. Reduces the hay waste. Us bun parents know, bunnies do not eat soiled hay. With a safe grate, it helps to reduce hay waste.

3. Makes cleaning easier for bunparents. You can use any preferred beddings/pee pads at the bottom without worrying about your bunnies tearing and ingesting them that may lead to GI Stasis.

4. Bunnies will no longer be sitting in soiled litter, which will keep their feet and bottoms clean.

5. Bunparents can easily monitor pee and poop condition by simply lifting up the grate as waste easily falls through our grate even for larger buns.

Does Urine Collect on the Grate?

After several rounds of testing, we found this grate design to be the most comfy for bunnies feet because of the rounded edges and ample surface resting area. We do not want to compromise to make the grate space thinner like some other litter boxes on the market just so there is zero pee stains. Many of our customers have bunnies with white feet and it's been proven that our grate helps to keep their feet stay cleaner and fluffier than ever!

Most of the time, if the bun aims right, all the pee will fall through the holes (the rounded edges also help with that), but some drops may remain on the surface. You can simply wipe it down with a paper towel.

The litter box is big so it requires less frequent deep clean, but spot clean is recommended if you have multiple buns.

Will The Grate Cause Sore Hocks?

We are not veterinarians so please consult your vet regarding any specific sore hocks/medical related questions. Our grate provides a large and smooth surface area, which is different than the thin and wired floors that can cause sore hock. However, lots of breeds are prone to callouses, which is different than sore hock based on our understanding (after speaking with our vet). Callouses are usually only on their heels and in most cases still covered by fur. We have customers who came to us with this existing condition, and the grate was able to help separate their bunnies feet from the soiled litters. We cannot guarantee the grate will work for every bun just like some bunnies can run perfectly on hardwood floors and some just hate it. You know your bun(s) the best, so it's up to your discretion as to whether this will be suitable.

Why XL Litter Box?

We came out with this size first because we could not find one this size on the market for our buns. A large litter box helps with good litter habits, reduces accidents, and encourages bunnies to eat more hay as they spend at least 50% of their day eating and producing those golden poops.

Is The Grate Floor Safe for Bunnies?

ROOLY's floor mat is designed specifically for bunny feet. We have smaller holes option for bunnies with smaller front paws. We cannot guarantee the grate will work for every bun. You know your bun(s) the best, so it's up to your discretion as to whether this will be suitable. For anything new that you are introducing to your bun(s), we highly recommend to monitor their behaviors for the first couple of days.

Best Way to Clean My ROOLY?

We recommend to use vinegar + water mix for a nice deep clean to remove any pee stains. This method works well for any plastic litter boxes.

Can Any Liners Fit the Box?

Yes, you can get these liners from Amazon that will fit over the entire litter box. However, only use liners if you buns don't chew. Safety first and definitely monitor anything new being introduced to your buns!

What Pee Pad Would Work With ROOLY Litter Box?

We recommend KIRKLAND extra-large Pee Pads. They fit perfectly and come as 100 counts. Amazon Link

Will the Grate Prevent My Bunnies From Eating Their Cecotropes?

No, the grate will not prevent them from getting the nutrients they need.

Bunnies can produce cecotropes anywhere and anytime and they know when it's coming...Bunnies usually put their heads down to eat the cecotropes (like fresh/directly from the source lol) to ensure they get the nutrients they need. They don't necessarily produce cecotropes when they use the litter box, and even if they do, cecotropes are sticky unlike their normal dry poops that just fall through the grate holes.

How Can I Get My Bunny Accustomed to Using the ROOLY Litter Box?

We recommend placing hay on the litter box to help your bunny get accustomed to the feeling of the floor mat and to help encourage good litter habits.

Does ROOLY Come In Any Other Colors?

We currently offer Pink and Grey, more colors coming soon.

Hop on over to Contact Us and let us know which colors you would like to see!

Shipping Costs In General

ROOLY does not make any profits in shipping and we always try to provide the lowest rate possible. Fact is shipping for a large item like this is expensive and we are doing the best we can.

Does ROOLY Offer International Shipping?

Yes, please contact us at for an accurate international shipping quote.


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